Growing lemon balm or planting marigolds? 种植金盏菊或者柠檬?
The World Authority on Herbs, The German Commission E, reports that Bugleweed, Motherwort, and Lemon Balm are safe and efficacious for treating hyperthyroidism. 世界草本权威,德国E委员会,报道,夏枯草,益母草,蜜蜂花对于治疗甲状腺机能亢进安全,有效。
Chamomile, lavender, sage, and lemon balm are all easily grown in your home garden or even in a few flower pots. 洋甘菊,薰衣草,鼠尾草,柠檬和唇膏都是很容易生长在你家的花园,甚至在几个花盆。
Lemon Balm and Parsley Extracts deeply cleanse and act as a natural oil blotter. 柠檬膏和香菜提取物能好似一个天然的吸油纸,能够深深地清洁肌肤。